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FY2024 Grants FERs / FR-1s due 90 days post program end date (9/3/2024)

FY2024 Accounts Payable has closed and all FY2024 grants with an end date of 6/30/2024 are no longer able to accept requests for payment reimbursement. 

FERs and FR-1s (EdGrants) are due 90 days post grant end so grants with 6/30/2024 end dates the FER/FR-1 are due on 9/30/2024.

If the FER filing includes a final disbursement, the FER will be sent back for revisions so that expenses can be removed from the grant as our ability to release funding has passed.  

Please keep in mind that all final amendments should have been requested by May 30th as to not interfere with the closeout process.

If a revision to the budget lines is required, as long as the program unit overseeing the grant programming approves it, the revision will be processed provided no budget issues are identified.   DESE reserves the right to disallow revisions requested after the end date of the grant and will deny requests that are not in alignment with the grant's goals and priorities.

How to file the Final Expenditure Report (FER)

GEM$ Next Steps: Revisions, Reimbursement, and Reporting (11/6/2023)

           From the 2023 Fall Federal Grants Conference 

FY25 Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (N or D) - Webinar Materials (8/7/2024)
Materials from DESE's July 31, 2024 FY25 Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (Programs for Neglected or Delinquent Youth):
FY25 IDEA Consolidated Application Webinar Materials (7/24/2024)
FY25 ESSA Consolidated Webinar and Slide Deck (7/18/2024)
Materials from the July 16, 2024 Webinar introducing the FY25 ESSA Consolidated funding application: